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Bethlehem Peace Light
Bethlehem Peace Light sharing photos
The Bethlehem Peace Light was is the very same flame that has burned for centuries at the site of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, and is brought by airplanes, trains, and automobiles from Palestine to be shared as a symbol of peace with the rest of the world. The sharing of the Bethlehem Peace Light / […]


Орликіяда 2015
20-ий кур. ім. Марти Борецької, Нюарк! III мiсце! також вітаємо новоіменованих Гетьманівну: пл. роз. Калина Лещук!


Bethlehem Peace Light
Bethlehem Peace Light In Bethlehem, at the place where Jesus was born, burns an everlasting light. This light, which has been burning for centuries, is the symbol of peace, warmth and love. Every year, Austrian scouts light a special lantern from this Bethlehem Peace Light and fly it to Vienna, Austria. From there, scouts […]
